Those Who Must Be Kept

Those Who Must Be Kept were first mentioned in Anne Rice's The Vampire Lestat, and not much was said about them, leaving them shrouded in an air of mystery. Who they were, and even how many they numbered weren't known for a good portion of the story.

It is Marius who tells Lestat the story of Those Who Must Be Kept. It must be around the time of the birth of Jesus Christ that Marius is made into a vampire. He is sought by the minions of an old vampire "god" who capture him and take him to the sacred tree in which he lives. He is burnt to a cinder, and Marius learns that this calamity has befallen vampires all around the world. The old vampire transforms Marius into a vampire and urges him to travel deep into Egypt to search for the cause of this disaster.

Marius travels to Egypt and it is not long before a powerful presence appears at his door - another burnt vampire. This vampire, who is named The Elder, tells Marius the story of Those Who Must Be Kept.

The Story Of Those Who Must Be Kept

It is ancient Egypt, at a time before the pyramids and when the Egyptians were still cannibals. Akasha and Enkil are human beings who arrive there from an older land and subsequently teach the Egyptions how to grow crops and farm animals. They are encouraged away from their practice of hunting, killing and eating other humans. Akasha and Enkil become good and just rulers.

One day, a demon makes its home in the house of the royal steward and starts a commotion by throwing the furniture around. Akasha and Enkil decide to go into the house and address the demon, to see if they can harness its power for the good of the people. However, there was a band of conspirators who resented the banishment of their old ways. They seized the situation and saw it as an opportunity to do away with the good king and queen.

They enter the house with the household objects flying about at the command of the demon and stab Akasha and Enkil multiple times. They are left for dead when the conspirators flee. However, something strange takes place.

The demon was waiting for a chance to enter the bodies of the two rulers and their imminent death was the opportunity it needed. Now, the demon inhabited the blood of Akasha and Enkil. The wounds of the king and queen heal miraculously. Although the demon blood has no mind or character of its own, it enhances the mind and character of the king and queen. There were also many other changes that had taken place in their bodies.

Legend has it that the demon entered the body of Enkil first, thereby making him the more powerful. However, this theory is turned upside down, when in Queen Of The Damned, it is Akasha who drinks Enkil dry of his powerful blood and leaves him as a lifeless husk.