This is a work in progress about The Vampire Lestat.

Anne Rice wrote several vampire novels called the Vampire Chronicles. One of the more famous ones was Interview With The Vampire. Born on 7th November 1760, Lestat de Lioncourt is a vampire who appears in most of these novels. Although aristocrats, the de Lioncourt family have squandered their wealth and live in poverty in their feudal castle in Auvergne, France.

His relationship with his mother is good, but he doesn't get on with his brothers and father. Indeed, he dreams about killing them. He runs away twice and each time is returned to his family.

His mother sells the family heirlooms to buy guns, horses and dogs and encourages Lestat to take up hunting. Lestat does this and becomes the family's breadwinner. In the process of hunting and killing a pack of eight wolves, he loses his horse and dogs and subsequently sinks into a deep depression.

His mother encourages him to leave home, so he travels to Paris with his lover Nicolas. He intends to become an actor. During a performance, an ancient vampire called Magnus takes an interest in him. Magnus abducts Lestat and transforms him into a vampire himself. Magnus later commits suicide, leaving Lestat to fend for himself without any guidance. Fortunately for Lestat, he finds himself heir to nearly inexhaustible wealth. So the adventures start.

Written in 1985, The Vampire Lestat is the second book in the series and is written as Lestat's autobiography. It follows his life from his youth in Paris to his early years as a neophyte vampire.

According to Rice, Lestat's character was based on her husband, poet and artist Stan Rice. Lestat even had the same blond hair and birth date (7th November). However, she admits that Lestat actually had a bit of both of them. However, Rice admits that she also had Rutger Hauer in mind when she created up Lestat's physical appearance.

In 1984, Lestat performs in a rock band called The Vampire Lestat, playing alongside his human band members.

Apparently, Lestat was a misspelling of the old French name of Lestan.

Lestat is bisexual and has male and female lovers, both mortal and vampire.

He is also philosophical. Often hunts evlidoers instead of feeding on innocent victims - however this is more a guide than a hard and fast rule.

Lestat is telepathic and has superhuman strength. After drinking the blood of several ancient vampires (Magnus, Marius de Romanus, Akasha), Lestat's strength increases dramatically and he is able to fly, perform telekinesis and pyrokinesis and survice exposure to the sun.